How to RSVP via Email

Knowing how to respond to an RSVP email is important for navigating social and professional engagements. Whether you want to confirm your attendance, decline with sincerity, or express gratitude for the invitation, your response carries significance. The Basics of an RSVP Email An RSVP email is a type of email that requires an immediate response […]

How to RSVP via Email

Knowing how to respond to an RSVP email is important for navigating social and professional engagements. Whether you want to confirm your attendance, decline with sincerity, or express gratitude for the invitation, your response carries significance.

The Basics of an RSVP Email

An RSVP email is a type of email that requires an immediate response to the invite. The term “RSVP” originates from the French phrase “Répondez s’il vous plaît,” which means “Please respond.”

If you have received an RSVP email, it’s important to respond as soon as possible, which is called RSVP-ing via email. This should be within the timeframe specified by the host.

How to RSVP via Email?

Your RSVP via email should be precise and polite. Here’s a step-by-step guide to assist you in the writing process:

1. Write a Clear Subject Line

The subject line for an RSVP email should be straightforward, something like “RSVP Confirmation for [Event Name]”.

But you can always add a bit more character and make it interesting—especially if the host is someone important. Some examples include:

  • “Count Me In! RSVP Confirmation for [Event Name]”
  • “RSVP: Ready to Celebrate at [Event Name]”
  • “Sincere Apologies: RSVP Decline for [Event Name]”

You always want to mention “RSVP reply (confirmation or decline)” in the subject line. This makes things easier for the host and leaves no confusion about whether you’re coming or not.

2. Offer a Word of Thanks

Whether you’re going to the event or not, express gratitude for the invitation. Appreciate the effort and time the host has dedicated to sending you an invite. However, while you should be sincere, keep it brief.

Here’s an example: “I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for inviting me to [Event Name].”

3. Accept/Reject the Invitation Politely

You want to clearly state your response while maintaining courtesy. If accepting, convey your excitement to attend. If declining, express regret gracefully.

Here’s an example of invitation acceptance: “I am delighted to confirm my attendence at [Event Name].” And here’s one of rejection: “Sadly, I won’t be able to attend [Event Name].”

It’s not necessary to state a reason when declining an invitation. However, if the reason is relevant to the situation or if you have a close relationship with the host, a brief explanation will be appreciated. For example, you can write something like “My sincerest apologies, but I have a family obligation that evening.”

4. Mention Appropriate Details

This section comes in if the host has asked for additional information. This includes details regarding dietary restrictions, the number of guests, or any special accommodations that may be necessary to attend the event. An example of what you can say here includes “I have no dietary restrictions and will be attending alone.”

5. Sign Off

Close the email with a polite and appropriate closing remark. This adds a personal touch to your reply. Example: “Looking forward to the event! Best regards, [Your Name]”.

RSVP Email Template You Can Use

Here’s a template to show how you can bring all the elements of a good RSVP email together:

Subject: RSVP for [Event Name]

Dear [Host’s Name],

Thank you for inviting me to [Event Name].

I’m pleased to confirm my attendance at the event.

Additionally, I have [insert any relevant details, such as dietary restrictions or number of guests].

Looking forward to it!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Never Miss an RSVP with Right Inbox

Prompt response is an integral part of an RSVP. It demonstrates courtesy, professionalism, and appreciation for the invitation. But, more importantly, it helps hosts anticipate attendance numbers and make the necessary arrangements, so it’s best to send a reply as soon as possible.

However, if the host has specified a deadline and you can put off replying to the email for a few days, make sure you have an email reminder in place. Right Inbox’s email reminder featutre is accurate and customizable and lets you set reminders for pre-defined times (such as “in four days”) or custom times of your choosing.

The email is automatically pushed to the top of your inbox and a notification pops up as a reminder, which tells you that a reply is due and saves you the embarrassment of a late RSVP response.


Should You Respond to RSVP?

Yes, it’s necessary to respond to RSVP emails promptly. This is not only a courtesy to the host, but it also helps them plan their event more efficiently.

What Is the Correct Way to RSVP?

The correct way to RSVP is to respond immediately and clearly indicate whether you will be attending or declining the event. You should also mention if you have any special considerations.

What Are the Best RSVP Responses?

The best RSVP responses are prompt and clear. They also contain all the information the host has requested.

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David Campbell

David Campbell is the editor of the Right Inbox blog. He is passionate about email productivity and getting more done in less time.


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